When weekends come, I spend them with my parents. Usually we go to the cinema for a new film, or walk in the autumn park, or go to visit grandparents. When the vacation comes to an end, it becomes a little sad. Nevertheless, I am glad that the winter holidays and the New Year with gifts are just around the corner. I love the autumn holidays! They give a break in study. It’s only a pity that they are so short. Do not have time to really relax, as it is time for school. But quickly wean you to get up early. I usually spend this vacation at home. The weather is rainy and cold, especially on the street you can’t walk. At home I read books or rummage through the Internet. If the sun peeks out, I go outside. I play with friends, breathe fresh air. Still, the holidays are great! My fall break went well. I went to the village with my relatives. It was interesting to me there. I helped my uncle with the housework. Gave karma to piglets, lamb.
Nature is filled with all kinds of rainbow colors: trees and bushes dress in lush clothes of green leaves, flowers delight with exuberant flowering and incredible aromas, and wild berries are poured with juice. All this is such a bewitching sight that you want to see it constantly, to inhale the heady aroma without stopping and respite. This summer has been very interesting for me. I did not go to some distant warm countries, did not ride elephants, and did not see outlandish places. I spent part of the summer in the city, and in the second half of the summer I lived with my grandmother and grandfather in the village. In the city in the summer I do not like to live, it gets boring here. With the onset of summer, a lot of dust appears, the air becomes heavy, so I want to spend time away from the city. Therefore, when the first weekend of the holidays came, my parents and younger sister went to the zoo. Our zoo is very large, the animals are well looked after, so it does not smell at all. All animals are sitting in large enclosures, they have a lot of space so that you can run and walk. Hooray! Another school year has ended, which means that such a long-awaited summer awaits me.
Where i spent the summer
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And what shortcomings can manifest themselves in a vacation with my grandmother? The child is left to his own devices, and the grandmother is busy in the garden, kitchen garden, home. The reverse option is that the grandmother does not give the child a step to step on her own, everything is supervised. Instead of a pleasant rest, the child receives garden and occupational therapy. Grandmother’s educational methods do not coincide with their parental ones (both in the direction of connivance and in the direction of strictness). But you can agree with your grandmother tactfully in order to adjust her behavior in the direction that is acceptable to you. It is enough to find a compromise on the principle of the "golden mean", so that the rest will be pleasant and enjoyable, so that there is a reasonable measure in everything and responsibilities, and in the degree of freedom. Do not forget that a child resting with his grandmother in the village or with his grandmother in the country can miss you. Therefore, plan to visit them for the weekend. At the same time, you can influence the possible disagreements that arise with his grandmother. And besides, get the opportunity to enjoy with them the delights of village life. With you on vacation!
We returned home already in the evening and the green dragonflies chirping with their wings accompanied us along the way. Several times, my classmates and I went to the cinema and just walked and chatted, discussing plans for the future and eating ice cream. And on one windy day, I even managed to test my new multi-colored snake, which was presented to me for my birthday. His first flight was truly graceful! Rainy days did not upset and sadden me, I spent time reading a book, cleaning, or helping my mother onthe kitchen. Summer vacations ran like a moment and left only pleasant memories that will warm in dank autumn and cold winter. And now, September is approaching, the new school year, full of pleasant surprises and knowledge. An essay on the topic: “How I Spent the Summer” This summer, I practically had nowhere to go far to rest, because finances did not allow me. But I can’t call this summer boring. After all, summer is the time when you can walk for a very long time.
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