About 40 years ago, plastic bags began to be used everywhere in grocery stores. It also led to clogging cities and oceans very quickly. They clog sewers and cause flooding, clog the environment and kill wildlife. The movement of ecologists and activists is gaining momentum around the world, they insist on the ban on the use of plastic bags in supermarkets. And in many countries, the authorities listened to the voice of the people, plastic was banned. But it turned out that such a struggle for cleanliness leads to even greater environmental problems. The first such laws began to be adopted in the United States. Following new bans for several years, a study was conducted in California that produced unexpected results. Before plastic bags were banned in all supermarkets in California at the end of 2016, 139 cities in the state managed to abandon them on their own. Scientists decided to compare the ecological situation in the cities where the ban was in force and in those where plastic was still used. For six months, a group of scientists spent weekends at grocery stores, counting the types of bags people put in their groceries. They also analyzed sales data for these stores.
Researchers found that these bag bans did what they had to do: people in cities with bans used less plastic bags, which should have reduced the amount of plastic waste that is produced per year by about 18 thousand tons. However, do not forget about another aspect of the use of plastic bags. Many used them to collect garbage and other household needs. When the plastic bags disappeared from the stores, they had to buy them separately. “We found that sales of garbage bags rose sharply after plastic food bags were banned,” said Rebecca Taylor, an economist at the University of Sydney. This is especially true for small 20-liter packages, sales of which after the introduction of bans increased by 120 percent. Trash bags are much thicker, and their production takes more plastic than shopping bags. “So about 30 percent of the plastic that was eliminated as a result of the ban comes back in the form of thicker trash bags,” says Taylor.
In addition, in cities where plastic bags are prohibited, there was a surge in the use of paper bags, which, according to her estimates, led to the emergence of about 20 thousand tons of additional paper waste per year. What's wrong with paper bags? You probably have a legitimate question - what could be wrong with paper bags? They do not even need special processing, soaking and dissolving under the action of ordinary water. That's right, paper really decomposes easily and quickly, which leads to a significant reduction in the amount of non-degradable waste. But here the problem is different. The manufacture of paper bags requires cutting and processing trees, which is associated with the use of large quantities of water, toxic chemicals, fuels and heavy machinery. According to Taylor, although paper is biodegradable and avoids some of the problems associated with plastic, a huge increase in the amount of paper combined with an increase in the number of plastic garbage bags means that a ban on plastic shopping bags increases the amount of greenhouse gases. Reusable bags - a way out? What about reusable cloth bags? We know that many of those who care about the environment choose them.
However, this option can be much worse than plastic. Studies conducted in 2011 in the UK showed that each fabric bag for products needs to be used at least 131 times to make this alternative better for the environment than buying plastic bags every time you shop. The Danish government recently conducted a study that analyzed a large number of environmental impacts and their consequences, including increased greenhouse gases, water use, ecosystem damage, and air pollution. The results showed that cloth bags do more harm than plastic bags. According to Danish scientists, you will have to use a bag of organic cotton 20,000 times more often than a plastic bag for products to make it more environmentally friendly. However, Danish researchers' assessment does not take into account the effect of plastic on land and sea clogging. And this is the key factor that caused the ban. The most environmentally friendly way to carry products is to use the same bag again and again. According to Danish research, the best reusable bags are made from polyester or polypropylene. At the same time, you should use these bags several dozen times, so that they really become a worthy replacement for plastic bags and harm the environment less than they do. Regarding the bag policy, Taylor says payment is more beneficial than a ban. She and her colleagues conducted another study, which showed that when in shops you have to pay for a package, albeit very little, people try to switch to using reusable bags. It will also make life easier for those who reuse plastic to collect garbage or other household needs. Taylor believes the recent New York plastic bag ban legislation is bad policy. It prohibits only plastic, but allows paper bags to be used freely. Taylor is concerned that this will lead to increased paper usage. According to Taylor, the best policy is to charge for paper and plastic bags and encourage reuse.
In New Delhi, a law was passed in 2009 prohibiting the sale, storage, and use of plastic bags, but production was allowed. In 2012, the law was tightened and banned the production of packages. Since it was difficult for law enforcement officers to check the thickness of the packets or determine their composition on the street, the government banned biodegradable packets and all packets thicker than 40 microns, which did not fall under the ban in the previous version of the law. The law also covers transparent film intended for wrapping magazines. Single viewThe bags that are allowed to be used are medical waste bags. In 2007, the tax increased to 22 cents. Thus, the government generated revenues of 75 million euros. The entire amount was allocated to environmental projects. The manufacture of plastic bags and their export from Ireland is not taxed, but this does not apply to imports. In 2010, the government signed a number of decrees and laws aimed at reducing the use of plastic bags. Under absolute ban packageshit since 2018.
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