For this purpose, for example, the methodology of the “family thermometer” V. Satir can be used. It provides for the creation of an emotional-psychological atmosphere in which objective problems are honestly discussed, and each family member experiences a psychological readiness for a sincere conversation. An important role in preventing family conflicts is played by the organization of joint outdoor activities and leisure activities. They are aimed at conscious rapprochement and family cohesion. This refers to the organization of both cultural, recreational and recreational activities. Creation and maintenance of family traditions with holidays, surprises, gifts. Joint visits to cinema, theaters, museums, exhibitions, field trips, traveling, respectful attitude to the favorite activities of each family member. In particular, psychological attitudes have a beneficial effect on the formation of a healthy lifestyle by each spouse and the family as a whole (douche, cold training, food hygiene, body care, gymnastics, walking, eliminating a sedentary lifestyle, overcoming negative habits, practicing various types sports). Family councils can provide significant help to newlyweds - the original form of group management of family affairs, including children and other relatives living with the nuclear family. This is a certain system of planning various family issues and overcoming family problems in an open comprehensive, juxtaposing the positions of all members of the family system.
In addition, working in a team is more interesting and fun, especially if this team has previously worked out its own relationship problems. We raise people's awareness. And we need them in order for our own awareness to rise. In teamwork, there is spontaneity, organic consensus, considering the views of everyone as part of the community. There is no view that is directed against the community. This kind of consensus does not insist on more than one thing and does not suppress something else. This consent to go for a while in a certain direction, and nothing more. Be open, but do not insist that others be open. Instead, show people how to follow the process. Work in a group depends on the feeling of the community, on everyone's interest in what is happening, and agreement with him. At least three phases are present in consensus: it can be a state, a goal, or a kind of awareness. In the most common sense, “consensus” is a special state of group consciousness when everyone agrees with each other on some issue. Consensus is a special, group state in which people unanimously go together in a certain direction. But consensus may also be the goal. In this case, unanimous consent becomes not just a passing state, but a prescribed direction, the end result that we are pursuing, the place where we "must go."
Preparatory stage. Before the start of the game, the basic information for each group of participants should be prepared and propagated in the required quantity. If this is not possible, then the basic information can be issued on the chalkboard so that it is available at any time in the game to all its participants. Business documentation is also prepared in advance, which is required for financial and other calculations. The main document of each group is the environmental bulletin, which reflects all the changes taking place in the country's ecology. Another important document is the statement of production records. The environmental bulletin is made in one copy per group, and the product record sheet is eight (for each type of product). Preparatory stage. The coordinator of the game offers participants to unite in small groups, each of which represents a state. Then each group resolves organizational issues: determines the name of the state (any fictitious or real name can be used), selects (appoints) the prime minister, ministers of ferrous metallurgy and machine building, energy and chemical industries, construction and woodworking, light and food industries. The Prime Minister organizes the work of the government, conducts meetings, monitors the situation and helps ministers in their activities.
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in case of divorce of spouses, the section includes all jointly acquired property acquired by the husband and wife in the marriage, regardless of its purpose, specifics and contributions of each spouse to its acquisition. Division of the business: is it subject to division and how? Art. 34 of the IC of the Russian Federation directly indicates the types of property and methods of income that are recognized as common property and subsequently are subject to division. Applicable to general business and its subsequent section, this article expressly indicates that all income received by the familyas a result of entrepreneurial activity, as well as existing shares in any organizations are joint property of the spouses and are subject to division after the divorce or before it. Opinion of expert Alexander Maximov Lawyer. Experience 12 years. Specialization: civil, family, inheritance law. To ask an expert the Section of property can also be a very simple procedure if the spouses can agree and mutually decide the fate of the joint property. If agreement cannot be reached, then it’s impossible to avoid many difficulties when the decision to divide is made by the court. Any business acquired or built from scratch during the marriage is subject to division as jointly acquired property.
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